quality dog training
motivational method canine training classes
Quality Dog Training
48 J Street Turners Falls, MA 01376






Laurie LaValley and Pam Murphy have been involved in dog training since childhood. Between the two they have lived with and trained mixed breeds and representatives of all seven American Kennel Club groups. 

As well, both train and work their own dogs in Obedience, Conformation, Field Trials and Agility.

In 1990 we started our own training business called NB Productions

We offer many levels of training, including, Puppy Kindergarten, Puppy II, and Civilized Canine. 

Check our Classes page for more information on each class. Visit our Facebook page and become a fan. All classes are taught by either Laurie or Pam, or instructors who have participated in the NB Productions apprenticeship program and been approved by Laurie and Pam.

NB productions classes are not affiliated with Pioneer Valley Kennel Club.

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