quality dog training
motivational method canine training classes
Quality Dog Training
76 Hope Street, Greenfield, MA 01301
1-413-863-3732 or 413-834-1078

Over 2000 dogs have successfully completed our program since its inception in 1990. Recruiting Assistants for all Levels. Must be dedicated and willing to learn! Visit our Facebook page and become a fan!





Classes are held at 76 Hope Street in Greenfield, MA.

Class Dates InformationClass Descriptions


Classes are offered year round at 76 Hope Street, Greenfield, Massachusetts

For more information or to register for a class call or E-mail: pamelamurphy002@earthlink.net

All classes are subject to weather related cancellations so call and check.
Class cancellations due to weather will be available by 3 p.m. the day of class....call
413- 863-3732 and press #4.

Please make sure to call ahead to make sure the dates for classes haven't changed because of bad weather. Thank you.

Greenfield Classes


NO MONDAY CLASSES Tuesday! - April 8, 2025 - AKC Canine Good Citizen including testing! 7 weeks 120.00 Can you dog pass this??? Can you dog pass this??? Wednesday - April 9, 2025- A new offering!!! Beginner Level for mixed age dogs! call413-863-3732 for details 100.00 - All ages  - 7-8 PM.at 76 Hope Street in Greenfield, MA. To register for this class call Pam at (413) 863-3732 and leave your name and telephone number for a callback.

Wednesday - April 9, 2025- - Puppy Kindergarten $100.00 - 6:00 -7:00 pm PM at 76 Hope Street in Greenfield, MA. Taught by Pam Murphy . Age limit of 8 to 16 weeks. $100.00 To register for this class call 413 863-3732 and leave your name and telephone number for a callback.

Thursday - April 10, 2025 - - Beginner Level for pups 4 months to 1 year. 100.00 (Thursday session)  - 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM at 76 Hope Street in Greenfield, MA. Taught by Pam Murphy. To register for this class call Pam at (413) 863-3732 and leave your name and telephone number for a callback.

TBA - Around Town Hound - will be back in the Spring!! Hope Street in Greenfield, MA. font>

Please call 413-863-3732 For class dates and times! > * -  - 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM. at 76 Hope Street in Greenfield, MA. To register for this class call Pam at (413) 863-3732 and leave your name and telephone number for a callback.

Friday - April 18, 2035 - Intro to K9 Nosework for $100.00 - 7:15 - 8:15 pm PM. at 76 Hope Street in Greenfield, MA. To register for this class call Pam at (413) 863-3732 and leave your name and telephone number. font>

Friday - April 18, 2025 AKC Rally Progressive - $100.00  - 6:15 pm - 7:15 pm .at 76 Hope Street in Greenfield, MA. To register for this class call Pam at (413) 863-3732 and leave your name and telephone number for a callback.

Service Dog - TBA - 5- 6 pm -  - 76 in . .

September 19, 2024 - Canine Good Citizen $120.00 - 7-8 pm PM. at 76 Hope Street in Greenfield, MA. Taught by Christie Neville. To register for this class call Pam at (413) 863-3732 and leave your name and telephone number for a callback.

Service Dog Certification Class- tba - Jess Mattson 413 687-1796 for all information information
5 pm 1st class at NB productions all other classes out in the community. - 8 weeks
. 76 Hope Street in Greenfield, MA. Taught by Jessica Mattson. To register for this class call Jess at (413) 687-1796 and leave your name and telephone number for a callback.

[ Yahoo! Maps ]
Map of 776 Hope St
Greenfield, MA 01301-3515

Class Descriptions

New Offerings!

Ring Ready? Competitive Novice Obedience
Ring Ready will be back next Fall! Competition Training at the Novice Level will help owners prepare for competing in obedience. Owners will learn the ins and outs of competing through exercises geared toward competing for and earning your dog's CD title (Companion Dog) For a fun training break join us for an Introduction to K9 Nose Work!
6 weeks - 85.00

Service Dog Training
*Offered Occasionally. Please call for more information.*
This class will help owners develop behaviors in their dogs which will translate into helping them with various disabilities. Because of the variations in what people expect of particular service dogs, this class with be highly individualized in developing skills and behaviors.
16 weeks - $210.00

Puppy Kindergarten
For puppies from 8 to 16 weeks of age. Socialization with other pups and other people. Basic obedience commands. Problem solving. Our Greenfield site includes specially built puppy-sized agility obstacles where our puppies can get a let up on the competition! As the area's longest running puppy kindergarten classes we offer only the best of training for our students. Pam and Laurie were trained under Ian Dunbar, the developer of the current model of Puppy Kindergarten classes.
6 weeks - $85.00

Beginner Level
For any age dog! The next step for the well behaved family dog. More formal obedience, with a practical goal for making living with your dog a joy. This level covers the following : walking on lead without pulling, standing for grooming or vet exams, sit and down stays for basic control, how to greet people and other dogs politely , coming when called everytime, and much more!
Our Beginner classes tend to be large. First night may be chaotic as everyone gets settled in to working. Please rest assured that each class is staffed by the instructor and at least 2-3 assistants who will be assigned to work with individuals.
6 weeks - $100.00

Civilized Canine
A class to prepare your dog to take and pass the American Kennel Club's Canine Good Citizen Test. Testing is done on the last week of class by an independent, qualified CGC evaluator. In months to come the CGC will take on far more importance....dangerous dog legislation that is breed-based can have an impact on a homeowner's insurance coverage for certain breeds of dogs. Some communities are now asking for CGC certification before insurance is renewed. In today's society the more we can do to encourage responsible dog ownership the better off we will all be in assuring us the joy of still living with the dogs we love. NB productions currently has an 80% pass rate for first time test takers who have completed our class (compared with a 50% nationwide average). New standards introduced early this year for re-evaluation of CGC evaluators is endorsed by NB productions. All our evaluators are certified by the AKC (Pam Murphy is the #9 evaluator in the country).
7 weeks - $120.00

An Introduction to Rally Obedience
The growing new sport of Rally O! is explored and Level 1 exercises broken down. We are hoping to add Rally O! Level 2 later this summer. Rally is a wonderful sport to introduce you and your dog to the world of competition obedience, along with strengthening the bond of friendship you have with your dog.
6 weeks - $85.00

Rally Level II
Continue your Rally education and have a great time learning! Rally Level II includes some jumping and off leash work...!
6 weeks - $100.00

Service Dog Certification class
New class beginning September 2014 5-6 pm
16 weeks - $210.00

We are located on the second floor with no elevator so teams should be aware of this .
This class will teach to the Public Access Test as well as breaking down training for individualized task training. Dogs will not be certified as NB production Service Dogs until the instructor is sure of the teams' skills.

We have put together a Photo Show of some of our classes, to view it, click here.

If you are interested in taking a class:

Click here to print application for Pam's classes.

Click here to print out class information.

NB productions classes are not affiliated with Pioneer Valley Kennel Club.

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Revised: March 18, 2003

NB productions Dog Training Classes

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